Red Ginseng, Watercress Seeds, Ferula Harmonis, and Royal Jelly with Honey

Red Ginseng, Watercress Seeds, Ferula Harmonis, and Royal Jelly with Honey

Starting from 54.00DT

Description : 

The cocktail of  honey with red ginseng, watercress seeds, ferula harmonis, and royal jelly  offers a unique synergy of beneficial ingredients. Discover the harmony of these carefully selected elements for a delightful taste experience and unparalleled health benefits.

Benefits : 

  • Strengthens the immune system, helping to fight infections and diseases.
  • Watercress seeds and ferula harmonis contribute to healthy digestion, helping to prevent gastrointestinal disorders.
  •  Promotes emotional balance, reducing stress, and improving concentration.
  • Red ginseng promotes blood circulation, helping to maintain healthy blood pressure.
  • Aids in relieving discomfort related to inflammation.
  •  Promotes better concentration and memory.
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Usage : 

Take one tablespoon of this cocktail every morning to energize your day. It can also be added to hot drinks or consumed directly.

Storage : 

Keep the cocktail in a cool and dry place. After opening, it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator and consume it within the following month to preserve its flavors and benefits.

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