Bee Pollen

Bee Pollen

Starting from 38.00DT

Description : 

Pollen is the powdery substance found in flowers, collected by bees as they brush against the flower's surface. Bees gather this pollen on their bodies and transport it to their hives in special pollen baskets. It includes approximately 12% water (fresh) and 4% (dry), with a breakdown of 37% carbohydrates, 21% proteins, 9% fats, and 4% miscellaneous components.

Benefits :

  • A rich dietary supplement containing all the necessary nutrients to revitalize the body and boost immunity.
  • Increases the red blood cell count in the bloodstream.
  • Rejuvenating, effective against acne and dehydration.
  • Lowers bad cholesterol and increases the good one.
  • Improves athletic performance and enhances strength.
  •  Increases libido and sexual excitement.
  • Stimulates the brain, enhances concentration, mental clarity.
  • Thanks to its rich content of vitamin B3, contributes to reducing fatigue.
Starting from 38.00DT
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Usage : 

Plan to take 2 to 4 small spoons per day; this dose can be taken with juice, yogurt, water, honey, etc.

Precautions :

-Pollen may interact with certain medications, such as anticoagulants, antidepressants, and thyroid medications. People taking medications should consult a healthcare professional before consuming pollen.

-Pollen can trigger allergic reactions in some individuals, especially those sensitive to allergens like pollen.

Storage : 

 Keep it in a cold, dry location; once opened, refrigerate and consume within a reasonable time period.

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